Monday, June 11, 2007

Hint Hint!!

If there is nothing for India to do there... then Sahab has better things to do with his time.

He does not want to add to anyone's troubles nor does he want to be seen as eye candy for the paparazzi. He can easily get his photo taken with any number of celebrities in India.

Hint... Hint...


At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi m,
can you elaborate

At 11:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi m,
This is what kgoan on BRForum has to write about the Indo-US nuclear deal. These are the issues which you know very well but refuse to acknowledge it in public. read it below.
Hullo folks got an email about the little kerfuffle here.

JUmraoji, just for the record: I don't post as much because my current job makes it impossible. This is not a time issue. You all know how the forum gets read by some strange people. Well, turns out that can bite you in the @ss when your current job involves the type of things we talk about on the forum.

(Matter of fact, I think I sent an email to both JEM and Shiv about this about a year or so ago, while discussing something else, as to why I don't post as much anymore. - So there is definitely no issue with admins!)

Re: The deal:

*Every* single issue on this deal is about constraining the growth in our *usable* power potential down the line.

EVERYTHING is about that.

How? They want us to be an obedient servant like Japan and Britain or a loud-mouthed "employee" type like France. No one serious in Dilli's terribly interested in that as far as I can tell. Not even those the forum likes to tar as "sell-outs".

Here's how this game works:

Think of the patent regime. How does the US get India to pass a patent law that benefits the west against our own interests?

Simple really, they *don't*. They get GoI to pass a patent law that benefits a few *Indian* companies - like say Dr Reddys. (Just anexample. I have no problem with the good Drs labs!)

The law says that Indian multinationals are protected. But in reality, given the power and size differential of Indian versus global companies in pharmeceuticals, the law actually acts to protect the wests monopoly far more than it protects India.

But it *does* protect the one or two Indian players in the game.

This is nothing more than sophisticated variation on the Bombay club rules of yesteryear. The variation says that these new laws will certainly protect the new Bombay Club members - but because of the effects of globalisation, they do *NOT* benefit the country. The Bombay Club does well. The Wests multinationals do better.

And the country pays for it because it constrains *our* power potential to a few "inner sanctum" types who're closely linked to the west. (Historical note: This is one of the reasons the Indira-ji finally smashed the Indian banking cartel and nationalised the lot).

That same scheme is back again.

Our counter *cannot* be nationalisation of course. That succeeded politically but failed economically. Our counter simply *must* do both - succeed both politically and economically.

That's what the nuke deal long term issues are about.

The arguments within GoI seem to me to center around this issue: Those who argue that the economics must predominate and those who argue for the political/military/tech side. GoI's job is to make sure one doesn't undermine the other.

Some people (within and outside GoI) are worried we'll repeat Indiraji's mistake but inverted - she succeeded politically but failed economically with the banking issue - the fear is that we'll succeed economically and find our selves constrained politically - which is what the US/West wants.

What BR *seriously* needs to watch for is which *Indian private companies" get into the nuclear act. i.e. Whether these will be formed into a Bombay Club cartel closely linked to the west. This is what the US is pushing for.

This is also one of those quiet unstated reasons why GoI has gone so slow on private players in the defence field. None of them are big enough or have the technological base to *maintain* independence from western corporations.

And that's the core issue with the US. The US wants to impose constraints that will act to ensure that our future tech and therefore our future energy independence is Western controlled - with a nice "Indian face" on it.


1. Some sh!t kicking western company magically claims a patent on using Thorium for power and all of a sudden we're locked out unless we pay the West for the "privilege" of using our own tech.

2. Some environmental regulations on radiation hazards targeting our nuclear energy program unless we agree to certain "rules".

3. International insurance and financial rules on who pays in case of a nuclear accident where radioactivity crosses borders making our nuclear energy program prohibitively expensive - without Western support.

The idea is to hedge us with these rules and regulations. There are some who may say - agree to anything, and then break it whenever we need to and tell them to fuk off when we're strong enough.

KS *may* be one of those. But the problem with this is globalisation. i.e. That any agreement will automatically create a strong *economic* constituency *within* India whose interests make braeaking such an agreement politically impossible down the track.

Think Japan. Can they seriously even sneeze at the US when *all* their shining companies depend on the US? Conversely, how many US companies depend on their life, and therefore the US' economic strength, on the Japanese market?

Who therefore has the power dominance in the relationship? The US is total. Japan is zilch.

Japan demonstrates what it seems that GoI is trying to avoid. Economic success with political castration.

There is a lot to this nuke issue other than the nukes themselves.

The US is also gambling on our weakness in our high tech mass manufacturing base to try and push a whole lot of sh!te down our throats. It doesn't help that our IT-vity loudmouths have given the US the impression that we'll need them more they'll ever need us - as the Chinese and Japanese do.

The US is making a mistake. Like the blindspot in that Thorium article that Shiv pointed out - like the cluelessness that Ramana pointed out about India and Islam It maybe based on the usual Western racism.supriority complex, but they simply don't grok what's happening in India.

But if they keep this bullsh!te on this deal going on long enough - they're going to find out sooner rather than later.

At 12:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi m,
sorry , it should have been "refuse to talk in public" instead of "acknowledge it in public". my bad.


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