Friday, September 28, 2018

Genocidal agenda masquerades as climate fatalism

Trump had the NHTSA put out a statement where they say that the temperature will rise by 7C by 2100 and there is nothing to be done about it.

The WaPo wrote an article collecting views from the academic community about it. John Sterman's views best capture what I feel is going on here.

Using the no-action scenario “is a textbook example of how to lie with statistics,” said MIT Sloan School of Management professor John Sterman. “First, the administration proposes vehicle efficiency policies that would do almost nothing [to fight climate change]. Then [the administration] makes their impact seem even smaller by comparing their proposals to what would happen if the entire world does nothing.”

For all those folks who voted for this guy - this is what your idiotic behavior has brought us.

The man is incompetent at the most basic things, and then he has toadies in the administration cook up bullshit to cover for his failure to get anything done.

He was feeling the pressure of the Russia investigation so he pulled a stunt with the Vehicle Efficiency Standards to appease and distract the idiots that voted for him. 

When the bulk of the global leadership called him out on it in the UN, he had his toadies pull out a report from their ass that makes his decision seem reasonable - but the only way they could do it given the vast amount of hard data was to project that there was an inevitable 7C temperature rise in the works. And that there was nothing we could do about it. 

Most of Trump voters are too stupid to understand that a 7C temperature rise is a Extinction Level Event. Less than 1% of humanity will survive that. 

Naturally the uber rich Trumpers will tell their god fearing idiot friends that this is "Gods Will" and that only those truly deserving will "inherit the Earth" and the Supremacists will tell their Trumper followers to stay put because only poor people of color will be killed in the Climate Holocaust. And these people will do this while they personally jet off to those underground shelters they have dug out in Montana. 

I don't know if the Trumpers that are left behind will get what's happening until its too late.

Bring this up in polite conversation with Trump supporting boomers and you get the "but I am going to die anyway" thread of logic. A suicide cult fails to understand that they might be going to die anyway but the rest of us aren't. 

I have never thought I would see a generation that celebrated killing it own offspring. 

What a fantastically stupid group of people. They will definitely kill us all. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

How far will Putin go to protect his asset in the WH?

This is turning into a bit of a head scratcher for me.

Putin's basic interest remains his ability of move his "wealth" (IMHO illegally collected from the Russian people) around the world without any obstructions.  To that end he seduced the RIS to support his operation to place Trump in the WH.

The logic appears to have been that with the Global Policeman in Putin's payroll, there would be no one to stand in the way of Putin's actions.

But this scheme (worthy of a Batman movie script) seems to have a fatal flaw in it. Like all these super villain schemes to become the law in Gotham City - there is no real plan for the aftermath.

When thieves take over a country and  loot the treasury - they simply saddle themselves with the debt of that country. It looks like wealth for a while but then the slow realization that debt and wealth are two faces of the same coin begins to dawn. It is this moment of dawning comprehension that starts a kind of civil war between thieves. The ones that get it first try to fob off the debts on to the ones that haven't yet got it and in the process a civil war is started. They say there is honor among thieves but that is not actually true.

From the groups that are running point on the defence of Brett Kavanaugh and the sudden manner in which Judge Kavanaugh's debts are erased - and supporters magically appear even before his accuser has a chance to make a press conference on her claims... well let's just say it is all very choreographed.

But this seems like a lot of work to go.

Are the gains really worth that much? from the endless whining about "Sanctions" it doesn't seem so.

So much longer will this support continue?